Dining choices are few

I have lived in Rialto since 1969 and during that time the leadership in this community has done little or nothing to attract quality businesses.

There is no Target, Office Max, Best Buy, etc. I am amazed when I venture to north Fontana and see the businesses in the Summit Center. How did Fontana succeed when all we get from the Rialto mayor and her cronies are empty promises of a Target and an In-N-Out? One of the promises was if they built a new fire station that the land left vacant would be used to build an In-N-Out.

I am still waiting to order my double-double.

Other than Carrows and Corky’s, there is not even a good sit-down family restaurant north of Base Line. There are discount 99-cent stores and fast-food places.

What did the leadership of this community do with the money that they already had? They are bemoaning the fact that they will lose redevelopment money but what happened to the funds prior to this?

Since they squandered the funds in the past I will not support a raise in water and sewer rates and I encourage others to oppose the increase as well.



This letter was in the editorial portion of the Sun Newspaper on 4-20-12. Please click the link and post your comments on this issue because this will be a big reason to wipe the slate clean in the city of Rialto.




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