After the meeting – Rialto and American Water

Let me start this post with WOW. I have never seen such a ground swelling of the community come out on an issue only to be ignored by the politions in Rialto.

Picture Below I found in a stack of papers left by the residents in the KTRO room:

Dosen’t that say it all, must be nice to be an upper class council person without worries!

First let me say Rialto property owners need to stop this with their paper now or pay for the next 30 years. This deal and this vote is partially the voters fault, you have not voted for years allowing city council and assembly and congress to have a feeling that they don’t speak for us the can do whatever they please. Those select few of you who do vote, vote with a disregard for the people you’re putting in power.

But ultimately those placed in power must be reminded who they ACUALLY work for, its US. The current council and most local elected leaders ignore us and do whatever they wish or please.

Residents compared the council to those who wish to work for American Water since the are guaranteeing a 30% profit to American Water.

30 million will be payed to the general fund that is owed from the utility and this money is going to be used to fund a Target project that Lewis properties have pulled out of multiple times due to the lack of money, when did it become ok for cities to shoulder the brunt of the cost of doing business.

If the city really wanted big retail they would have not imposed a 7 year moratorium on building around the new 210 freeway.

council allowed utilities commission Member June Hayes to accuse Mr Ceasr Acoata of being a card-carrying communist, union labor reps that had conflict of interest issues and didn’t live in the city speak, union workers and developers from the Pharrase group and Lewis homes speak & turned on the heat on the KTRO room to over heat residents and make them so uncomfortable they ended up leaving.

Mr Jim Stienberg of the Sun reported 50 public comments went out yet 80 people singed up. That means the city staff silenced 30 speakers and voted for this even though many speakers were at the las meeting this was on the agenda and were wondering why they were back on the same issue.

The thing is that council never cared what the community thought they just wanted to find as many little ways to stifle this community.

Speakers were not able to hear responses from council members even though most were seeking awnser to better gauge the minds of our (leaders). This council has too often been to busy or to important to talk to the little people this was normal for them.

The final vote was 4-1 in favor the one no vote came from Joe Baca Jr. Not really surprising he can afford any political damage right now because it would hurt is run for assembly and beyond, but whatever his motives I thank him for standing in the divide.

Here are the issues I see with this deal and the community. First off only 200 people are reported to have attended the 2 information meetings that were held on Tuesday & Saturday. Tuesdays meeting was reported to be very dysfunctional and that you couldn’t ask questions. Saturday was better but no one from council was there to awnser questions at either meeting. I was unable to attend these meetings because I work 4 jobs just to get by and have very little free time.

Atmosphere went as follows:

  • Standing room only in chambers.
  • 3 overflow rooms. KTRO building, fire station basement & library.
  • Spanish-speaking residents standing outside watching on a monitor with no translator.
  • Jerry Acosta was passing out bottled water saying “don’t worry this water is free” which brought people to laugh in the KTRO building. Mr Acosta also asked the council to take heed in this decision and think of the poor and unemployed that will be devistaed by these rates. He also spoke in spanish to give some familiar words to spanish speakers outside.
  • The union reps asking the city to employee their union workers at the cost of hard-working tax paying families were: Lori Stonemaker-AFL-CIO labor union, Joe Whicher Sheet Metal Workers Union & William Perez from the construction workers union.
  • The young-looking union workers that spoke up were Juan & Robert asking you to pay more for water so they can have a broken promise of a job.
  • Joe Juladian is a business owner and he told counsel he will be forced to pass these rates onto to customers, they didn’t seem to care.
  • Pastor Gloria Henderson Quoted Ecclesiastes to the council referring to the topic of their is a time for everything and everything has its appointed time, this isn’t the time to levy such large fee increases on a poor and struggling public.
  • Lyn Hurts owner of Dans Lawnmower Shop told council that they are doing this because they wont be around for 30 years. She is right i will be 80 before this contract is up.
  • Sam Wienstien seen here in an interview with our reporter he was speak out to the lawsuit Mr Ron Pharris served a woman with outside council during the meeting, forcing her to leave for fear for her life.
  • Donald Lee stated that American Water is a German owned company.
  • Robert Tinker a resident since 1958 said he has seen a lot of council members and mayors in his day and if they vote for this he will see some more go real soon.

American Water CEO Jeffry Sterba – who was appointed to the job in August 2010 – has made clear that he wants to expand the company’s “contract operations business” only if it generates more profits for American Water than in the past.  In a recent interview with a trade journal, Sterba stated:

“The contract operations model as it’s generally deployed seems to be geared around trying to shift risks to the service provider in ways which I don’t think are necessarily taken into account appropriately in the pricing. . . . To the extent that we can create a different model that better aligns with what we think we bring to the table, and allows us to be compensated for that, then we will be interested in expanding in that sector.”

According to the magazine interview, Sterba’s strategy for new municipal contract operations involves long-term contracts with a provision for “price re-determination” over the lifetime of the agreement.  In the March 2011 interview, Sterba also described a contract deal the company had in the works with an unnamed “medium-sized” city:

Below are the slides RUA (Rialto Utilities Association) presented:

To get out of the contract now if the property owners vote to reject the councils vote it costs ua 1 million, If the property owners fail to act then we will be stuck with a 177 million dollar mortgage at a high interest rate. If we cancel in the first year were on the hook for the whole 177 Million plus an additional 2 million, the early termination penalty decreases by 3% every year.
We as property owners must act and renters must contact their land lords and tell them that higher water and waste water rates will force you to look for a cheaper living situation.
Below is the article the sun ran.
RIALTO – City Council voted 4 to 1 in favor of a controversial 30-year contract with New Jersey-based American Water Works Co. Inc., which would mean a 114.8 percent increase in water and wastewater rates by 2016.About 400 residents crammed into City Hall and three overflow sites – the library, the public access television station and the main fire station.The resident turnout was larger than when the issue came before the council last June, which was defeated on 2 to 2 vote.Mayor Pro Tem Ed Scott said prior to his vote, “We have been at this for three years now. We have to do something to bring this city forward,” Scott said.Joe Baca Jr. opposed the American Water contract in June and did again Tuesday nigh for the same reason – that city residents should not pay for a company’s profits and that the rate increases are too steep.

“We need to take charge of our destiny,” said Deborah Robertson, who voted against the measure last summer.

Robertson said that the support of the labor unions for the agreement were a big part in her “yes” vote Tueday night.

Mayor Grace Vargas was out on medical leave starting just before last summer’s water rate vote and has recently returned to her post.

“You people in Rialto elected me for reason,” Vargas said before the vote. She predicted that eventually residents would thank the council for its decision to sign the 30-year contract. The council’s decision can be overturned if the majority of Rialto property owners file a written protest to the decision.In his motion to approve the contract and related rate increases, Council member Ed Palmer said he wanted to take the decision to the property owners and let them have the final say.

“It would be wrong for us to vote this down,” he said.

While most of those at the meeting Tuesday appeared to oppose the measure this time around, several spoke in favor of the agreement, which would lead to financing to pay for $41 million in water infrastructure projects and provide funding to move ahead with develop;ment projects at the municipal airport, a super Wal-Mart south of downtown and retaurants north of downtown.

Upland developer Randall Lewis, whose company is a partner in a planned mixed use development on land now occupied by the municipal airport, said the debate taking place here is occurring across the state and the nation.

“It is a tough decision,” Lewis said, adding that the city staff recommendation to go with a long-term agreement with American Water is the correct one to modernize Rialto’s infrastructure system.

June Hayes, a 16-year member of the city’s Utility Commission, said initially she was against a contract with America Water, but after much research , feels a contract with them is the correct path.

“I speak for the little guy,” she said. With a doctorate degree, Hayes said she lives close to the poverty level, but still is in favor of the rate increases to pay for what needs to be done for the water system.

The agreement also drew strong support from organized labor because it will create some 450 jobs for the building trades.

Joe Whitcher, a business representative for Sheet Metal Workers Local 105.

Whitcher said that the way the contract is structured, labor union rates will be paid and there will be no loopholes allowing some workers to be paid at non-union rates.

But most of the more than 50-residents to address city council on this issue over several hours Tuesday night were opposed to the 30-year contract and its related rate increases, Anne Lopez, said she is putting three children through college, and with the increase won’t be able to live in Rialto anymore.

“I would love to live in Rialto…it is charming, quaint and not to large. But many people will not be able to afford to live here if the rates go trhough.””

Said Frank Gonzalez, “These rates are “unreasonable and unwarranted.” As for the 30-year contract, “it is totally out of the realm.What about a `Plan B’? There isn’t one. Why?”

Hattie Inge, who said she has lived in Riatlo for 39.5 years, asked why is the city of Rialto “trying so hard” to bring American Water to town. And regarding the 450 union jobs, “Those won’t be going to people who live in Rialto.”

Inge said that several of her children live in cities where America Water provides service and that “they never do what they say they will.”

Michele Heal said that it appears that the city council wants to work for America Water more than it wants to work for the citizens of Rialto.

The improvements resulting from the agreement will benefit the existing ratepayers. New large projects, such as the Lytle Creek residential development. and projects planned at the municipal development, said Robb Steel, assistant to the city administrator and director of development services.

There has been criticism by some residents who allege that a portion of the rate increase will subsidize future developments.

City Council Meeting 3-27-12

Ok Everyone its back, the race to drive Rialto’s water rates through the ceiling is on and cracking this tuesday night. The city held 2 quick public information forums that were not highly advertised and were during inconvient times.

So begins the process of turning our water rates over to a private company and giving them free reign to stick it to the rate payers.

Here is a link to our last post on this issue:

So at 6pm tuesday 03-27-2012 you will have another oportunity to remind the council that they approve this vote & it could be the end of thier political careers.


Child Safety Event

Child Safety Event
The Rialto Police Department is proud to announce the Second Annual Rialto

Cardenas Child Safety Fair. This event will take place on Friday, April 27, 2012

at the Rialto Cardenas Market from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. There will be

approximately twenty Child Health and Safety booths distributing information.

Additionally, the Rialto Fire Department, Parks and Recreation, and Rialto

Police Department Traffic, SWAT, and K-9 teams will be on display. Car Seat

Safety Technicians from Safe Kids and the California Highway Patrol will be on

hand to inspect car seats for proper fit and installation. Those car seats that are

deemed to be unsafe will be replaced at no charge. Appointments to have car

seats checked can be made by calling the Rialto Police Department Traffic

Division at (909) 421-7214.


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Water Rates

So by now you have probably heard in one fashion or another that the City of Rialto has mismanaged our water services for years.

The city has been trying to outsource water services to American Water. American Water says that Rialto residents can expect to see 100% increase in their water rates by 2016.

The city wants us to believe that American Water is going to come in and give over the 30 Million Dollar payment due to the general fund by the water utility, fix the dilapidated water system, hold on to the employees for 36 months rather than 18 months at similar pay and benefits and ONLY raise the rates by 100%. What? Really, only 100%?

Oh and by the way they say they will sweeten the pot by removing the perchlorate surcharge which in their estimation is $18. Once again they are wrong mine was $19.43. This was money we were told would be reimbursed but I guess they forgot about that and just are going to appease us by not making us pay for Jet fuel we didn’t even dump in the first place.

Lets not forget another piece of your utility bills the Utility Tax that was SOLD as a Fire and Police tax, would you be surprised that it never REALLY went for public safety? Just another lie and ploy to dig deeper into the communities pockets.

My favorite part of the article in the sun paper on march 13th was that mike story who gets his water from Fontana Water Co. pays more now that Rialto residents. Dont care sorry you let your utility do that to you.

One of the people who posted a comment on the Sun’s online article said the following:

Felipe M. Antillon

Rialto Residents… make sure you voice your opinion on this matter. Fontana is a private water district similar to what Rialto is proposing. My water bill was over $100 during the winter and my neighbors were close to $300. I have since poured cement in the back and artificial grass in the front. My yard is not very large and I have minimal things to water. My bill is still $75/month. $48/month just in a usage fee to have my water on….
So how many of you want to see your yards turned into skate parks? This poor man had to take his life to the extreme just to make it manageable, but ask someone you know how expensive cement is now, plus artificial turf even done right is ugly expensive and must be replaced eventually.
Below is the Video Mr Mike Story did on this issue:

I’m not in love with the idea that were going to dump 30 MILLION $$ into a Target project that the developer is shaky at best on. What ever happened to the In & Out? San Bernardino built a new one and its the highest sales location, Highland is building on near LA Fitness. I don’t spend much money in this city beyond Fresh & Easy and Home Depot when I need something quick. I refuse to send my family anywhere in this city alone its just not safe & investment is always done halfway.

There are 2 public forums on this issue we posted the flyers on this blog and we will repost tomorrow, be there and voice your opinion.

City Council and Mayor Vargas have mismanaged this city long enough, this is where the community owns this mess and can fix it. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!!!!!

Everyone came out to vote for Obama but no one educated themselves on anything else. Educate yourself on the candidates and what they really stand for.

Click the Follow button because we will be reaching out to the various candidates this election and getting what their plans are for the city and how their words balance out what their actions have been. By following the blog you get it sent right to your email in full and can read it more easily.

We need real People with real solutions like:!/coffeenutzz – Andy Carrizales!/profile.php?id=1095984277 – Judy Roberts!/wilmer.carter – Wilmer Amina Carter

People with real solutions and not afraid to get their hands dirty

Carter March 2012 E-Newsletter

Carter March 2012 E-Newsletter

In 2011, Assembly Member Wilmer Amina Carter served as a panelist at the Fifth Annual State of Women’s Conference in Rialto held during March, which is National Women’s History Month. The conference highlighted the contributions of four women who were currently serving as elected officials representing the Inland Empire and three younger women. From left, Rialto Unified School District Board Member Joanne Gilbert, Fontana Mayor Acquanetta Warren, Josie Gonzales, Chair and Fifth District Supervisor, San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors and Assembly Member Carter.

Dear Friends,

In honor of National Women’s History Month, I am devoting my monthly E-Newsletter to the recognition of women in the 62nd Assembly District who are making a difference in our community. The groundbreaking leaders I am highlighting have achieved great success as professionals and as volunteers.

I am proud of their commitment, proud of their collaborative efforts and all they have done to improve the quality of life in our cities and neighborhoods.
In this edition, I am also giving special accolades to remarkable young women who are now breaking into their leadership roles. They will pave the way for new ideas and new community partnerships that will build a better future for the next generation.

All these women serve as examples and role models. They inspire younger women to do great things in their community. I applaud them for the leadership and perseverance it takes to tirelessly serve others and make our world a better place.

Signature Wilmer Amina Carter Assembly Member – District 62

Carolyn Tillman
Carolyn Tillman is a special assistant to Dr. Gary Thomas, superintendent of San Bernardino County Schools. She represents the County Superintendent in both public and private forums. She leads a life of community service, and various state and local agencies have awarded and recognized her for her contributions. She currently serves as a trustee on the San Bernardino County Library Board and a board member of the San Bernardino Community Scholarship Association and the San Bernardino Police Activities League. Carolyn completed training in the San Bernardino City Leadership Program and has served as a board member for the American Cancer Society, San Bernardino Chapter. She is a past president of the National Council of Negro Women, Inland Empire Section. She is also the former director of a mentoring program for the San Bernardino County Women’s Network. Carolyn is a Sunday school teacher at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church and co-chair of the Scholarship Ministry.

Eloise Reyes

Eloise Reyes, a Colton lawyer, is known for her support and active involvement in the community. As a leader, she is motivated by the biblical passage that when someone is given much, much will be required in return. She believes it is her responsibility to assist in any way possible. One of the main ways she supports the community is through her family’s Valor Youth Foundation. It provides cultural enrichment programs, educational technology and after-school tutoring to families in need. Her other avenue for service is the Inland Empire Latino Lawyers Legal Aid, which provides free legal services to the indigent.

Pauline Tidler

Pauline Tidler, a longtime Rialto volunteer and civic leader, has a strong sense of community pride. She has been secretary of the Kiwanis Club of East Rialto and stays involved in leadership awards programs. She also started Kiwanis Key Clubs in three Rialto high schools. She serves on the Rialto City PlanningCommission and has been instrumental in the development of programs that enhance and maintain the image and aesthetics of the city and neighborhoods. She helped found the Los Colinas Adopt-a-Neighborhood program, and takes part in the group’s community service projects. Pauline’s devotion to improving the health and well-being of seniors can also be seen at the Rialto Senior Center, where she has volunteered as a scrapbooking teacher.

Veatrice Jews

Veatrice Jews is a retired hospital administrator who devotes her time to non-profit and faith-based organizational management. She is currently the mental health commissioner for the Fifth Supervisory District of San Bernardino County. She has helped form an agency coalition to focus on African American mental health. She serves as acting chairwoman of Option House, which provides 24-hour crisis intervention and transitional housing, community outreach and legal services for families in need. As an advocate, she is committed to raising awareness and educating the community about family violence. She is past health chairwoman of the Inland Empire Concerned African American Churches IECAAC. She takes a leadership role in organizing IECAAC’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Breakfast.

Anna Ulibarri

Anna Ulibarri directs facilities planning for the Rialto Unified School District (RUSD). She is credited with the successful construction and opening of RUSD’s state-of-the-art Wilmer Amina Carter High School, and other educational facilities. Committed to community involvement, Anna has served on several advisory committees for the City of Rialto. She and her husband, Willie C. Ulibarri, Jr., run the non-profit Project Life Impact, Inc., After School Impact and Back-2-Basics Family Services. The organizations provide after-school tutoring and programs to hundreds of students and families. She is currently a venue pastor for Water of Life Community Church in Upland. She has also served on the nominating committee for Assembly Member Carter’s 30 Under 30 Latino Native American Recognition Breakfast.

Joanne T. Gilbert

Joanne Gilbert is committed to education. Her passion is helping children succeed. She spent 37 years teaching high school, working in school districts in Long Beach and Moreno Valley. She was elected to the Rialto School Board in 2001 and is now serving her third, four-year term. She serves on the board of the San Bernardino County Community Action Partnership, which provides resources for families in need. She also mentors at-risk middle school girls.

A 13-year breast cancer survivor, Joanne is a member and witness role model for the Southern California Witness Project, breast cancer awareness and support organization. She volunteers for the City of Rialto Relay-for-Life for the American Cancer Society. She is also past president of the Original Rialto Democratic Club, past commissioner (Beautification Commission) for the City of Rialto and past president of the Inland Empire Section, National Council of Negro Women (NCNW).

Lynn Boshart

Lynn Boshart is committed to the health of our community and the environment. The retired Garden Grove High School English teacher believes that what we treasure we should keep in perpetuity. Her environmental volunteerism was stimulated by her appointment to the municipal advisory council for the San Bernardino County Fifth District. She then became an advocate for the El Rancho Verde neighborhood in Rialto. She also started the organization Save Lytle Creek Wash to help preserve the wilderness area.

Dr. Margaret Hill Margaret Hill is assistant superintendent of Administrative Services for the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Office. She does whatever she can to make a difference for children, young people, adults or senior citizens in the community. It is her work with education that most distinguishes her community service. She was recently elected to the San Bernardino City Unified School Board, where she taught for many years and headed an alternative high school. She started a food service for children and authored the book “It’s All About the Children.” She is CEO and founder of Maggie’s Kids Foundation, a non-profit organization. Her current community involvement includes board and regular membership in the following: Kiwanis of Greater San Bernardino, Inland Center Kiwanis Club, Highland Family YMCA (charter member), East Valley Corporate YMCA, San Bernardino Black Culture Foundation, Community Hospital of San Bernardino (current board chair), National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc., Delta Rho Chapter (former national officer), Highland’s Woman’s Club, Time for Change Foundation, Sheriff Hoop’s Citizen Advisory Council, and the San Bernardino Police Advisory Committee.

Syeda Jafri

Syeda Jafri was inspired by her parents’ commitment to community service. She is communications director for Rialto Unified School District (RUSD) and an award-winning journalist and radio personality. A 12- year veteran of the Public Broadcasting System (PBS), Syeda hosted a regional Emmy-nominated environmental show, Green Works with Syeda Jafri from 2007-2009, which can still be viewed on KVCR PBS Television. As the chairperson for the RUSD’s annual Puttin’ on the Ritz Fine Arts Gala, Syeda has assisted in raising more than a quarter of a million dollars for RUSD classroom teachers and students.

Deborah Robertson

Deborah Robertson has played a pioneering and integral role as a woman in the public transportation field. Recently retired, she worked as the deputy district director, external affairs, at the California Department of Transportation. Representing the diversity in her community, Deborah is the first African American woman to sit on the Rialto City Council. She hosts an annual women’s conference in Rialto for National Women’s History Month. In the past four years, she has helped to establish an annual football camp for 11- to 18-year-olds at Cal State San Bernardino that focuses on athletics and academics. She also co-chairs the Los Colinas Adopt-a-Neighborhood Program.

Glenda Bates Glenda Bates, the breastfeeding coordinator for the County of San Bernardino, is committed to promoting breastfeeding education for mothers and ensuring the availability and quality of health care services for breastfeeding mothers. She is also a board member of the Inland Empire Breastfeeding Coalition. She has advocated for a bill that Assembly Member Carter has supported which would require all maternity hospitals in California to have an infant feeding policy that is clearly posted and routinely communicated to perinatal staff. She is also working with San Bernardino area schools and at Cal State San Bernardino, promoting breastfeeding and improving lactating accommodation for student mothers. As a youth survivor of the Jonestown Massacre, she teaches Christianity and independent thinking when it comes to faith.

Karla Morales

Karla Morales works for the San Bernardino School Employees Federal Credit Union in human resources, business development and marketing. Her job has given her access as a volunteer to schools and other organizations to help people in need. Her most rewarding experience has been founding and chairing the Arrowhead United Way Young Leadership Council and Women’s Leadership Council. With these groups, she has focused on early grade literacy, philanthropy and mentoring future community leaders. Karla volunteers for the homeless and helps organize staffing assistance for Mary’s Mercy Center for food, clothing and toy drives. She speaks publicly on young women’s issues and financial literacy. She also serves as a mentor through ASTERISK, a career and employment program for students in San Bernardino schools.

Linda Burton

Linda Burton is the coordinator for the Fontana Community Assistance Program. She helped build a coalition of nonprofits, churches, schools and other agencies to connect residents to everything from marriage counseling and computer classes to child care and food banks. She says she is committed to people, to loving them, caring about them and supporting them. Linda has also taught parenting classes for the City of Rancho Cucamonga.

Beverly Jones-Wright

Beverly Jones-Wright is project coordinator for the Tobacco Use Reduction Now (TURN) program at the San Bernardino County Public Health Department. As a community service volunteer, she is committed to going the distance and perseveres in the face of obstacles. She is the first female trustee of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in San Bernardino. She stays active with regional health-care issues through the Inland Empire Black Health Consortium, which she founded. She is also a leader with the California Black Health Network and the African American Tobacco Education Network. She has served as committee chairperson for the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Breakfast.

Midge Zupanic

Midge Zupanic has devoted her life to volunteering for non-profits and helping municipalities. She served three terms on the Rialto City Council and was the first woman to complete a whole term. Her work on the Council made the Rialto Senior Center and the skate board park at Margaret Todd Park a reality. She is also vice chair of the Rialto Transportation Commission, and is now seeing the extension of Pepper Avenue, a longtime project of hers, come to fruition. She serves as Treasurer of the Rialto Chamber of Commerce, and is also the interim executive director. She has headed up the Chamber Golf Tournament for several years and originated the idea for Taste of Rialto. Midge is also a member of the Kiwanis Club of East Rialto.

Gwendolyn Heard Nelson

Gwendolyn Heard Nelson is semi-retired and works part-time as the volunteer coordinator for Children and Family Services for the County of San Bernardino. She has been a longtime volunteer for the annual Blood of the Martyrs Blood Drive on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. She is the current president of the Kiwanis Club of San Bernardino. A breast cancer survivor, she has been a longtime volunteer for the Relay for Life, the Komen Race for a Cure, the American Heart Association and the Arthritis Foundation. She is also a member of the National Council of Negro Women and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Eta Nu Omega Chapter, and a steward and chairman of the Visitors/Announcements Ministry for St. Paul AME Church.

Young Women Leaders

Marlysa Thomas

Marlysa Thomas is a graduate of Cajon High School in San Bernardino, and will graduate this year from University of California, Berkeley with a degree in pre-law and African American studies emphasizing race and politics. She plans to pursue graduate degrees in law and public policy and devote her career to education and prison reform. She has interned in Assembly Member Carter’s District and Capitol offices. On campus, she started the Black Transitional Committee, an organization dedicated to raising GPAs for black students by providing writing, math and science support. She directs a sign language ministry at Berkeley and serves on the editorial staff of a publication that creates dialogue between blacks and other communities. She visited Ghana for research on child trafficking that was later published in an international journal. She has participated in numerous fellowships and has been a campus campaign coordinator for Teach for America. She anticipates teaching high school English in an inner city school in Baltimore next year.

Carly Chavez

Carly Chavez has been a teacher at Fontana High School for more than eight years. She received her Bachelor’s in biology and Master’s degree in education with a concentration in curriculum and instruction from California State University, San Bernardino. At Fontana High School, she leads instructor committees in SLC (Smaller Learning Communities) and AVID (Advancement via Individualistic Determination). She also devotes time to student organizations on campus, such as M.E.Ch.A (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano/a de Aztlan) and a freshman mentoring program, Link Crew. She was recognized by Assembly Member Wilmer Amina Carter in 2007 for the “30 under 30 Latino/Native American Recognition Award.” She has also been recognized as SLC Teacher of the Year in 2008. She is continuing her education in an educational leadership doctoral program.

Amber Eileen Shattler

Amber Shattler has been the Office Manager for Assembly Member Wilmer Amina Carter for over five years. She has acted as liaison, photographer and office mom for Assembly Member Carter and the constituents of Assembly District 62. She is very active in raising Autism awareness in the Inland Empire working through her son Wyatt’s Elementary School. Prior to working for Assembly Member Carter Amber operated a photography studio in San Bernardino. She has been married to her husband, Joseph Huston for over eleven years.

Monica Stockhausen

Monica Stockhausen, a Cal State, San Bernardino student and graduate of Wilmer Amina Carter High School, is site leader for Youth Action Project at Arroyo High School. She helped repaint a pre-school in Los Angeles through Enrichment Through Action, a program of New Beginning Outreach Christian Church, for which she has served as president. She also participates in holiday programs, soup kitchens and Christmas toy distributions. She mentors a group of girls at Milor High School, a continuation school in San Bernardino.

Iwona-Maria Luczkiewicz Contreras
Iwona Contreras has had the opportunity to grow, develop and contribute to Cal State, San Bernardino (CSUSB) and the community. She works at the university’s John M. Pfau Library as an administrative analyst specialist. She graduated from CSUSB with a Bachelor’s degree in health science and plans to move up the ladder in higher education. She is currently chair of the Young Leaders Council for Arrowhead United Way. The group’s focus is early grade literacy, philanthropy and mentoring young leaders. She is president of Alumni Pan-Hellenic and vice chair of the alumni group for the Educational Opportunity Program, of which she is a graduate. She was also a student of the Provisional Accelerated Learning(PAL) Academy and the Bethune Center. She believes in giving back to the community because the community has given to her.

Phung Nguyen

Phung Nguyen is a positive role model to youth and is bringing about change in the community. She is a career manager for the City of San Bernardino Employment and Training Agency. At Cal State, San Bernardino, she received a Bachelor’s degree in communications studies. As an Alpha Delta Pi Sorority member, she learned the importance of giving back and has become involved with Arrowhead United Way Women’s Leadership Council. She conducts the Council’s Interview for Success one-day workshops and volunteers as an interviewer for the San Bernardino City Unified School District’s ASTERISK Summer Internship program.

3rd Annual Monte Carlo Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kiwanas East Rialto 21st Annual Golf Tournament

Kiwanas East Rialto Golf Tournament is an awesome way to get out play some golf and help a local organization raise funds for the various projects they run throught the year. Here is the info:

You can contact them on the flyer or come on by Wednesday Mornings at Sal & Limons in rialto 7am for thier weekly meeting.

————————————————————————————————-This post was brought to you by:


Must have flyers Passport Fees

Passport Day 2012

Comments from the SB Sun’s Editor and General Manager

Frank Pine@fpine

@RialtosNow Why a “tired” bedrom community?


Above is the Editor and General Manager of the San Bernardino County Sun comments on how I and one of his reporters have quite similar twitter account names.

So we first have to ask why do we have this reputation? Is it deserved? What makes people in professional professions act as though their comments have no meaning or consequences?

We have this reputation in my opinion because our elected officials have missed the mark time and time again (yep we voted them in, or didn’t vote and allowed them to take over). Rialto has failed to strike when opportunity comes and sits at the front of the city hall door. The only reason anything has happened lately is because of the redevelopment funds that now are no more.

Is it deserved? No because I doubt Mr. Pine has ever lived here, or had to struggle with us. He speaks out of ignorance and that makes his a sad man. But we should expect nothing less from a newspaper group that takes stories and changes and twists people’s words to sell papers. A paper that charges you almost $80 to publish a FBN when you can get it recorded and published elsewhere for less than that.

The reason professional people act as though their words have no meaning or consequences is because of the medium they choose to express themselves. Social Media gives a person the false sense of safety and security. They dont have to see of hear the reaction from the parties involved and can shield themselves from most repercussions. I have not agreed with the Sun for quite a while thank God for ABC 7 news. They cover Rialto just about as much as the Sun does.

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