Public Safety Committee shoots down Teacher Sex Bill

Chair, Committee on Public Safety Primary jurisdiction is the California Penal Code

Tom Ammiano represents the 13th district and was key in shooting down key legislation that would put harsh penalties on teachers looking to take advantage of their students.

So who wants a new reason to despise their elected officials?

I got one for you, who thinks its ok for teachers K-12 to date their students? Who thinks its ok for teachers to pull full pensions when they have committed a crime especially crimes against children?

The Committee on Public Safety Voted down Assemblywoman Kristin Olsen, R-Modesto, who sponsored a bill that would have made it a felony for teachers to date their students. , accused committee members of siding with predators.

Why does she accuse them of siding with predators, because their committee voted down Mrs Olsons bill. Her bill would have re-drawn the lines between the Student Teacher relationship. Yes a law is needed because of the bond a child can develop with their teachers especially with parents becoming more busy and kids are spending more time with their adult teachers vrs their own parents. Plus teachers hold a level of control over their students that gone unchecked can be dangerous.

I speak with knowledge of my education in Child Development not to mention the ease teachers in LAUSD and other surounding districts have been abusing children and going undetected.

committee chairman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco called the bill “not fully baked” and suggested it might violate the rights of consenting adults. Who cares about the children Right Tom Ammiano?

Olsen said at least 16 other states have passed similar laws. She said it was not knee-jerk legislation. I agree our legislators have wasted time on do nothing bills and ignored crime and the budget. This is why we need a pert time legislator.

Former Teacher in Northern Ca

James Hooker left his wife and three kids for a former student who just turned 18.

Assemblywoman Holly Mitchell, D-Los Angeles, objected to targeting the pensions of a single group of public employees. She said she would be open to a bill that made teacher-student relationships a felony but did not go after retirement benefits. So Mrs Mitchel is more worried about Criminal Teacher Pensions than your children’s safety.

Assemblyman Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles, joined Ammiano and Mitchell in voting against the legislation. Cares more for criminal Teachers than your kids Safety. Mr Cedillo makes me the most sick because LAUSD seems to be the main breeding ground for education pedifiles.

Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, abstained from voting, and is a coward for doing so what good is she if she wont go on the record.

The two GOP members of the committee, Steve Knight, R-Lancaster, and Curt Hagman, R-Chino Hills, were absent.

36th District Assemblyman Steve Knight

Public Safety Committee (Vice Chair) Steve Knight was absent from the committee meeting where a bill was introduced that would place harsh penalties on teachers looking to take advatage of their students.

Steve Knight was in Sacramento by his own admission on his Face Book page pandering to the airspace lobby instead of casting his vote and being the voice for the people. Both GOP lawmakers are cowards and could care less about our children or their communities.

Long story short all of these legislators are afraid of the teachers union. The Democrats are in debt to the teachers union because they fund their campaigns and if they cross the union the union will fund their opponent. Republicans are scared because the teachers union already target them these republicans don’t speak for their communities because they are scared losers.

Below are some of the ways to contact these legislators and tell them what YOU THINK.



——————————————————————————————————————– – Curt Hagman!/pages/Curt-Hagman/146670642076583 – Steve Knight – Gil Cedillo – Tom Ammiano – Holly Mitchell – Nancy Skinner